Headache & Migraine Relief

Safe, effective, natural treatment of headaches and migraines with acupuncture.

Examples of headaches successfully treated with acupuncture at Crown Jewel Healing.

The Secret Sauce… Why is our method so effective?

We treat all components that cause headaches.

  • Trigger Points

    Tight muscles keep you in pain - we release them.

    Trigger points with referred pain cause headaches.
  • Energetic Pathways

    Stuck energy in the head causes pain - we open up the pathway creating flow.

    Acupuncture meridians go through the head.  When energy gets stuck there, you get headaches.
  • Stress

    Unresolved emotions and stress cause pain - we treat them.

    Stress and unprocessed emotions cause headaches, we help get you in balance
  • Hormones

    Hormonal imbalance causes headaches - we balance them.

    Hormone imbalance causes headache
  • Inflammation

    Chronic inflammation causes irritation and pain - we calm the inflammation.

    Inflammation causes pain and headaches.

We aren’t interested in masking the symptoms. We follow the clues that your headaches give us to balance your system. You become stronger, healthier, and more resilient to stress and triggers. And most importantly, you get relief!